The Wonderful Mr. Fidget, aka Pookie, is taking me on an Alaskan cruise for our bazillionth anniversary. I'm taking several stitching projects with me for working on while flying across this great land and while sitting on our balcony cruising up the Inside Passage. The TUSAL bottle can't/shouldn't go with me so I'm taking a backup travel TUSAL container: a lowly plastic zippy bag. The accumulated orts can be documented and then poked into the official TUSAL bottle.
My new baby netbook is travelling with me so perhaps a post or two may happen while I'm visiting the 49th state. We'll see.
whoo hoo enjoy your trip fidgit!
"Mother, may I go out to sea?"
"Yes, my darlin' daughter. Hang your clothes on the balcony rail ... but don't go near the water!"
Have a great cruise. Bob and ferals all OK.
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