Thursday, June 18, 2009

44 Cent Swap

I've signed up for the 44 Cent Swap over on Craftster. The idea is to put as much as you can into an envelope to send to a partner and still stay within the limits of a single 44¢ first class stamp. One of the goodies that I'll be sending to my partner is a needlebook I made this evening. It's about 2.5" x 2.25". I designed the chart for the owl this afternoon at the office while I was waiting for a test to complete. (Busy hands are happy hands!) I'll also be including some over-dyed floss, some ribbon and some hand-tatted trim. No, my hands didn't do the tatting.

This is the inside of the needlebook. Have I said how much I love Stitch Witchery? It really saves a lot of time putting a backing on a piece. It doesn't take a real long time to do a nun stitch or a buttonhole/blanket stitch around a needlebook, but the Stitch Witchery is fast. And the fused fabric really does look good.

1 comment:

Ziggyeor said...

That's a very cute little owl.

I bet they'll love it.